- interstellar flight
- межзвездный полет
English-russian astronautics dictionary. - M.: Military Publishing house. Compiled by F. P. Suprun, K. V. Shirokov. 1964.
English-russian astronautics dictionary. - M.: Military Publishing house. Compiled by F. P. Suprun, K. V. Shirokov. 1964.
Interstellar travel — Montage of fusion powered rocket concepts from 1987–2004, which could form the basis for an interstellar vehicle. Included are: VISTA (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories,1987), Discovery II (NASA/GRC, 2002), Human Outer Planet Exploration… … Wikipedia
Interstellar Boundary Explorer — (IBEX) Vue d artiste du satellite IBEX Caractéristiques Organisation N … Wikipédia en Français
List of space flight simulator games — Part of a series on … Wikipedia
Wallops Flight Facility — Vue aérienne d une partie du site Wallops Island (Wallops Flight Facility ou WFF) est une base de lancement de la NASA située dans l État de Virginie sur la côte est des États Unis. C est un des sites pionniers du programme spatial des États Unis … Wikipédia en Français
Cities in Flight — Author(s) James Blish Country … Wikipedia
Solar sail — Solar sails (also called light sails or photon sails, especially when they use light sources other than the Sun) are a proposed form of spacecraft propulsion using large membrane mirrors. Radiation pressure is about 10 5 Pa at Earth s distance… … Wikipedia
Bussard ramjet — The Bussard ramjet is a theoretical method of spacecraft propulsion proposed in 1960 by the physicist Robert W. Bussard, popularized by Larry Niven in his Known Space series of books, and referenced by Carl Sagan in the television series and book … Wikipedia
Interstellare Raumfahrt — Schematische Darstellung des Milchstraßensystems … Deutsch Wikipedia
Beam-powered propulsion — is a class of spacecraft propulsion mechanisms that use energy beamed to the spacecraft from a remote power plant. Most designs are rocket engines where the energy is provided by the beam, and is used to superheat propellant that then provides… … Wikipedia
Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence — SETI ist das Akronym für “Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence” (deutsch: „Suche nach außerirdischer Intelligenz“). Damit bezeichnet man die Suche nach außerirdischen Zivilisationen. Seit 1960 werden verschiedene wissenschaftliche… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Civilizations in Babylon 5 — This article discusses fictional civilizations on the science fiction television show Babylon 5. As the Babylon station was conceived as a political and cultural meeting place one of the show s many themes is the cultural and social interaction… … Wikipedia